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Summer Clearance Sale Ends Today

    Paypal Payments

    Please fill out the form below before going to paypal if you have any issues with your order! We will make it right immediately.

    If you paid with paypal and are not happy with your purchase please reach out to us by filling out the form below. This form is for VERY HIGH PRIORITY cases where customers who paid via paypal are not happy. These cases are treated by a separate dedicated team. 

    We’d love to find out what’s going on and solve this case ASAP! Please remember, there is a MUCH higher chance you will get your money back if you get in touch with us and explain your issues. Furthermore going via paypal could take months to get a resolution with us we aim to have your issue solved within hours.

    Our store

    123 Fake St.
    Toronto, Canada

    Mon - Fri, 10am - 9pm
    Saturday, 11am - 9pm
    Sunday, 11am - 5pm

    Get directions